237: TZ Discussion - More Soylent, Please

Justin and Jason discuss Edward Snowden's whereab…

11 years ago
Justin and Jason discuss Edward Snowden's whereabouts and the EU's faux outrage over the NSA's spying, World War Z - the movie and the book, the surprising fact that Ensign Harry Kim lives next door to Jason, how the differ library could save Uber big bucks on bandwidth, investing in people with Upstart, why Justin ordered more Soylent, The 4-Hour Body diet, genetic cars, the informal summer Catalyst sessions and how the kids are obsessed with Kerbal Space Program, the new, more advanced version of DragonBox, Justin's business ideas for sponsorship and SAAS-like subscriptions, the shows Defiance, The Good Wife, and Through the Wormhole, advice for Aaron Knight on PhraseMix (read the notes from MicroConf 2013), Jason's brother's run-in with serial killer Randy Kraft, the site Let Me Google That for You, the unlikely possibility that investigative journalist Michael Hastings' car was "hacked", what former counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke had to say about it and James Bamfords Wired article about the rise of Cyber Command and the US's offensive cyber warfare capabilities, Jason's idea for a TV series where the CIA and NSA are at war with one another, Tesla's 90-second battery change, and Colby's Arthur C. Clarke-like thinking on magic.
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