187: TZ Discussion - An Equation for Evil

Justin and Jason talk about the latest with Plugg…

12 years ago
Justin and Jason talk about the latest with Pluggio, the dangers of starting with a free service and the Google nuclear winter, the irregularities with the Facebook IPO, CashBase and the personal finance market, the effect of Elon Musk's success with SpaceX and what sets him apart, the power of balancing relentless optimism with brutal self-awareness, the against all odds story of Jimmy Conrad, how an e-paper watch raised over $10 million on KickStarter, how Jason is learning electronics so he can teach it to his son, the power of spending a fixed amount of time per day on a project, Jason's idea for a virtual standup web app, how Germany set a new solar power record, the overwhelming size of the universe and the powerful new telescope to be located in South Africa, Australia, the self-driving Google car and why the future of space is going to be robotic, the CDC on preparing for a zombie apocalypse, whether HFT, or most startups for that matter, have any real social value, Jason's equation for measuring evil, a proposed amendment to lift the ban on government propaganda, the Internet Bat Signal, the Citizens United verdict and the power wielded by Super PACs, the new patent troll, Rockstar Consortium and why Justin donated $25 to a human powered helicopter project.
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