145: TZ Discussion - Bad Cop, Sensitive Cop

Justin and Jason discuss why staying up late can …

Justin and Jason discuss why staying up late can screw up your life, how Skype is almost the full realization of the magical CTU tech of the TV show 24, Peter Cooper's Javascript Weekly newsletter, the prospect of migrating Appignite to a single-page web application, the advantages of leaving a problem unfinished at the end of a work session, Justin's idea for a collective version of Groupon for websites codenamed Groupio, the high-cost of the context switch, whether AnyFu should be incorporated as an LLC and some ideas about vesting and founder death, Justin's review of Zarrella's Hierarchy of Contagiousness, using Twitter's location based search streams, the science of extreme life extension and Leslie Kean's History Channel documentary Secret Access: UFOs on The Record.

144: TZ Discussion - Justin's Big Left Nav

Justin and Jason discuss whether software is actu…

Justin and Jason discuss whether software is actually eating the world, why Elon Musk is the most impressive entrepreneur in modern times, splitting payments using PayPal Adaptive Payments, how to solve the problem of the fractured social web, why Justin posts the kinds of links he does, some upcoming changes to Pluggio, the status of Jason and Guyon's custom scrollbar component, Justin's concern about working on code with Jason, whether begging is a type of social defection, Justin's theory that the recent Anonymous attack on BART was a false flag attack, the movie Apollo 18, NASA's discovery of nucleobases on twelve different meteorites, a recent discovery that early life was sulfur-based, the current status of Appignite and the design of the AnyFu logo and character.

143: TZ Discussion - What It Takes to Be Entry Level Rich

Justin and Jason discuss Scotty Jackson, the magi…

Justin and Jason discuss Scotty Jackson, the magical genius illustrator, why Justin is impressed by the Gooveshark UI, Jason's frustration with the design process, what it takes to be entry level rich, more on the downgrading of US debt, the ethical implications of Justin automating his Twitter feed, the Bloomberg Risk Takers profile of Elon Musk, an update on the Pluggio SEO strategy and affiliate marketing campaign, how markets are efficient if and only if P = NP, how the San Francisco police asked wireless providers to turn off their signals to prevent a protest, possible causes for the London riots and who should be held accountable, former Clinton and Bush counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke's accustation airing on ABC news about a CIA cover-up of 9/11, how Apple is stepping up to defend iOS devs against patent troll Lodsys, why Jason thinks losing weight is like doing a startup, adding TameJS to CoffeeScript, SafeCast, Jason's interview about high-frequency trading and the prospect of open-sourcing some Uber code.

142: TZ Panel - Rob Walling and Mike Taber

Justin and Jason chat with Rob Walling and Mike T…

Justin and Jason chat with Rob Walling and Mike Taber hosts of Startups for the rest of us.

141: TZ Interview - Guyon Roche / Jason's Partner in Crime

Justin and Jason talk to Jason's partner in Appig…

Justin and Jason talk to Jason's partner in Appignite, Guyon Roche, about how they began working together and the advantages of pair programming, Guyon's take on Appignite and AnyFu, why design can be important for startups, what percent of Twitter and Facebook accounts are real, an investment manager's take on the top 1%, the most likely way to get rich, the reason for AnyFu's high-end pricing policy, the potential impact of S&P's downgrading of US debt, Rob Walling's advice to bootstrap as a partnership rather than as a LLC, Jason's idea on using resources like OpenCourseware and Tutorspree as an alternative to traditional education, Virgin Galactic and SpaceX, the status of Justin's juice diet and an update on Pluggio's growth.

140: TZ Discussion - Back on Track

Justin ans Jason discuss Steve Perlman’s impossib…

Justin ans Jason discuss Steve Perlman’s impossible wireless tech known as DIDO and the technology of WiTricity, why Pluggio's growth has suddenly stalled out, logging slow queries using MySQL's Slow Query Log and monitoring your site using SiteUptime, Jason and Curtis's upcoming post on Uber's Node.js based dispatching system, the designer they've hired to create AnyFu's brand identity and UI and whether they should use Braintree or PayPal for payment processing, how Jason tried and abandoned jScrollPane to build his own custom scrollbar, Justin's new Juice diet and the movie that inspired it, the sophistication and complexity of SQLAlchemy and Doctrine and the ORM Jason is building for Appignite, the Airbnb fiasco and some ideas on how they could mitigate that kind problem in the future and the industrial scale patent trolling of Intellectual Ventures.

139: TZ Discussion - This Week in Holy Sh*t

Justin and Jason discuss the suspension of Justin…

Justin and Jason discuss the suspension of Justin's 600 calorie per day diet and whether his plan to move to Ireland is such a s good idea, the process of finding a designer for AnyFu and the progress on the site mockups, the incredible rise in the value of Bitcoins and whether Bitcoins will ever really go mainstream and threaten the dollar, how the Japanese character set cracked Pluggio and made Justin confused, the importance of momentum in just about everything, Justin's crazy work schedule and how Jason is juggling five client contracts, why Jason is considering open sourcing some of his code, whether the Singularity is near or far, the possibility of a CrunchFund, the worrisome addiction of drawing Anime, "black ops" in Pakistan, whether the world economy is near collapse and whether following the news is worth the effort, using Qwerly to clout rank your email list, why working for startups is a smart career move, how MemSQL offer's a 30x performance enhancement over MySQL and the coolness of Google Web Fonts.

138: TZ Discussion - R.I.P Nigel Vincent

Justin and Jason discuss the death of Justin's fa…

Justin and Jason discuss the death of Justin's father, Udi's blog post about Appignite, Uber's technological origins and the new Node.js based dispatch server, rapid UI design using mockups, the core problems that AnyFu needs to solve, using Showcase Lane to get feedback on UI design, a La Critique of The Birdy, an update on Pluggio's growth, whether it's better to use dashes or underscores in SEO slugs, finding a logo design for AnyFu and the importance of good design, Jason's slightly contrarian position on the lean startup model, using MySQL fulltext search vs a search engine like Solr or Sphinx, running server-side Javascript on RingoJS, Justin's strategy for curing himself of diabetes, how Kevin Rose and Evan Williams are both starting incubators, the possibility that Justin will be moving back to Ireland and the idea for an open version of Y-Combinator.

137: TZ Discussion - Lessons for Justin and His $100 Million

Justin and Jason discuss the progress they've mad…

Justin and Jason discuss the progress they've made so far on AnyFu, why Jason thinks Sweden smells like ice cream and his idea for yet another TV series, life lessons from the very wealthy and preschool's huge payoff, an update on Justin's outsourcing effort, Jason's idea for compiling compiling CoffeeScript to PHP, Justin's micro-depression about Pluggio and an update on the numbers, ideas on picking a designer and a design for AnyFu, what makes a good finisher and why women make teams smarter.

136: TZ Discussion - Celebrigeek

Justin and Jason discuss Pluggio's numbers and th…

Justin and Jason discuss Pluggio's numbers and the results of a Pluggio product-market fit survey, Jason's recent trip to Scandinavia, how Justin is upscaling his outsourcing, making Appignite command-line accessible, why AnyFu is worth pursuing and the summer show schedule.
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