205: TZ Discussion - Check Your Egometer

Justin and Jason discuss how much time they spend…

Justin and Jason discuss how much time they spend on the podcast, Justin's thoughts on becoming a multi-product entrepreneur, Seth Godin's book - The Dip, how much time should be devoted to consulting vs. working on a side business, potential email strategies for recruiting experts, building an email reminder system for AnyFu, problems with the donation model, the Node.js profiler that Jason and Guyon built for Uber, the misleading CNN article about why we need a longer school year and the other side of the story, Justin's idea for creating an ego depletion meter, the challenges of scheduling the first Catalyst Academy session, the Mathigon mathematics education project, how Oracle is moving MySQL towards the closed-source model, why Reddit only has two MySQL Tables - Thing and Data, Jason's idea for doing lazy schema migrations, why Uber is moving from MySQL to ProstgreSQL (PostGIS), how self-driving cars were just approved by the California legislature and the rise of drones, the free diving world records, why there is no American Ninja Warrior, why Darpa thinks the future of computing is analog, HP and Hynix's one-year delay on memristors, how the Flynn Effect isn't about people getting smarter, how the New York Times has been colluding with the CIA to boost Obama's reelection chances, how the spyware known as FinFisher can take over your mobile device, the Pirate Bay founder who was arrested in Cambodia, how the U.S. is probably using Sweden to get at Julian Assange, and finally how Obama's justice department has granted final immunity to Bush's CIA torturers.

204: TZ Discussion - Don't Panic, It's Only Radiation

Justin and Jason discuss why Jason is sad about C…

Justin and Jason discuss why Jason is sad about Colby quitting club soccer, scaling Node.js to a million concurrent connections and how Redis is used at Uber, what it's like working at UberMedia and Idealab, how Sandy is helping out with AnyFu, ideas on how to share customer support responsibilities, why Justin is frustrated with Pluggio and what Jason thinks he should do about it, the upstart success of Jason's iPad fund and why Justin wants to raise money for audio software, building iPhone apps with Visual Studio and JyOS, the panic over Fukushima and how uranium extracted from the ocean could power the human race until 5000AD, Justin's update on intermittent fasting, recruiting kids for Catalyst, RoboRally and learning to program by training a robot, how your brain can be hacked, the high performance PHP framework Phalcon PHP, how Coursera is introducing an honor code in an attempt to reduce cheating, how Twitter is slitting their own throat, individualist and collectivist coding and why quality happens when someone is responsible for it, the problem of sorting out who owns what when signing IP contracts, speculating on whether Buffer was influenced by Pluggio, and how Rob Walling was quoted in a New York Times article.

203: TZ Discussion - The Future Ain't What It Used to Be

Justin and Jason discuss Justin's experiments wit…

Justin and Jason discuss Justin's experiments with intermittent fasting, the latest on AnyFu, Justin's call for an open Twitter, how to be a math or science rockstar, why the singularity is not coming, sci-fi predictions from 1987, storing 700 terabytes of data in a single gram of DNA, Jason's thoughts on learning synthetic biology and the GenoCon competition, Jason's teaching strategy for Catalyst and why he thinks Python will be a better learning language than Chipmunk Basic, Justin's new Galaxy Nexus 7, how Google's self-driving car is going to change everything, why WebRTC wil change the web, TrapWire and the new totalitarianism of surveillance technology, and the efficacy of using loss aversion to improve teacher performance.

202: TZ Discussion - Hacking Jason

Justin and Jason talk about the response to the w…

Justin and Jason talk about the response to the wives show, Justin's new life in Pasadena and his new contract at UberMedia, how Jason is going to spend his half of the podcast donation money, the latest on Jason's math and science academy - Catalyst, why Justin is excited about intermittent fasting, the recent scientific reversals on salt, sitting posture, positive thinking and fluoride, why Justin wants to pay Jason to work on AnyFu, deploying real-time systems code at Uber, how Justin moved Pluggio to a Rackspace Cloud Database and why he thinks growing Pluggio's revenue is so difficult, whether App.net has any chance of disrupting Twitter, engineering bacteria to survive on Mars, the discovery of the Gauss cyber weapon, why Algebra isn't necessary, why Jason thinks most textbooks are inefficient, and the stark contrast between electronics hobbyist books and introductory electrical engineering books.

201: TZ Interview - Scott Young / The MIT Challenge

Jason speaks with Scott Young, creator of the onl…

Jason speaks with Scott Young, creator of the online course Learn More, Study Less, about his effort to master the entire 4-year MIT computer science curriculum in only 12 months.

200: TZ Wives - Setting the Record Straight

In this wives tell-all episode, Georgie Wisen-Vin…

In this wives tell-all episode, Georgie Wisen-Vincent, Sandy Roberts and Sherry Walling give their respective views on what it's like being married to a technology entrepreneur.

199: TZ Interview - Matin Tamizi / Balanced

Justin and Jason speak with Matin Tamizi, founder…

Justin and Jason speak with Matin Tamizi, founder and CEO of Balanced, about the opportunity and challenges of building a payments system for marketplaces.

198: TZ Discussion - The Mystery Boom

Justin and Jason discuss the psychological impact…

Justin and Jason discuss the psychological impact of getting out of debt, the Gabriel Method and the Paleo Diet, the mystery boom, whether the freemium model will work for Pluggio, Justin's entrepreneurial ups and downs, whether Pluggio is fundable, the pros and cons of red ocean and blue ocean strategies, the first episode of Divergence, the terrifying background of the man who ran a CIA assassination unit, how the super-rich are hiding at least $21 trillion in offshore tax havens, whether the Colorado shooter was crazy and the sociological impact of the event, the Russian research project that offers 'immortality' to billionaires, planning for episode 200, why Jason decided against taking the Coursera course Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation, Scott Young's MIT Challenge and the possibility of replicating an undergraduate education with only online courses, the negative network effect of having a college degree, and Colby's enthusiasm for learning electronics.

197: TZ Interview - Peter Stone / Robot Soccer and Multiagent Learning

Jason talks with Peter Stone, director of the Lea…

Jason talks with Peter Stone, director of the Learning Agents Research Group at UT Austin, whose team, UT Austin Villa, won both the standard platform league and the 3D simulation league of the RoboCup 2012 competition. They discuss why robot soccer is a good motivating application domain for machine learning, how the RoboCup competition got started and the kinds of teams that participate, the offshoot competition RoboCup Jr, why the machine learning technique known as reinforcement learning works so well in complex, dynamic environments, the role played by game theory in multiagents systems, Peter's involvement in developing autonomous driving vehicles and what it's like to run an artificial intelligence laboratory.

196: TZ Interview - Omri Drory / Genome Compiler

Jason interviews Omri Drory, founder and CEO of G…

Jason interviews Omri Drory, founder and CEO of Genome Compiler Corporation, about how they're aiming to build the AutoCAD of synthetic biology.
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